Our prices

Find out how much our assignment help costs.

See how much
your assignment will cost

The cost of your order depends on three factors:
  • Discipline
  • Task size
  • Deadline

All prices are given in USD. You will be able to choose your preferred currency during checkout.

These prices do not include the Value Added TAX. The cost for EU customers is calculated according to the tariffs of the country the customer is from.


  • When you place an order, you need to select the appropriate size for your task: extra small, small, medium, or large. For reference, we’ve provided examples of possible assignments and deliverables for each task size. Try clicking on the different options and choose what fits you best. Or, contact our customer support and ask the operator to help you.
  • We have a flexible pricing policy, which means you can adjust the cost of your order by changing its deadline. The longer it is, the cheaper your assignment will be. That’s why we always recommend ordering homework help in advance. This way, you’ll be able to select the longest deadline available—14 days.
  • Of course! If you think there’s an issue with how we’ve completed your order, you can ask us to revise it, and we’ll do it for free. There are a few conditions, though. First, you can’t change your initial instructions. Secondly, you can use a free revision only before approving your order or within 7 days after the approval.
  • Yes, we have a refund policy that covers various cases such as late delivery, cancellation, quality issues, and more. If you want to get your money back, please follow the directions which we’ve prescribed for each separate situation. In case you have any questions, feel free to contact our customer service.

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